Archive for 'Blog'

Canada and Haiti: When all is Said and Done, Much More is Being Said than Done

October 15, 2010

There is no question that Haiti is a difficult place for external actors to work. Nation-building has eluded the best, most well-intentioned aid donors for decades. Treating the country as a basket case worth considering only as an international trusteeship candidate is not the path to follow for sustainable development. When disaster strikes Haiti – hurricanes in 2008, an earthquake in January this year – Canada responds, lots of ministerial and media attention (are those related?) and talk ...

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Should Canada be on the Security Council?

October 4, 2010

Canada is lobbying hard to win a seat on the UN Security Council for a two year 2011-2012 term. The competition for this non-permanent seat on the Council comes from two member countries of the European Union, namely Germany and Portugal, and Germany is all but confirmed. It has been a decade since Canada was last a member of the Council.

With its spotty record of late in international affairs, should Canada be taken seriously as a helpful, responsible ...

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The Harper Government and Civil Society: The CCIC Debacle

August 3, 2010

Not satisfied making Canada a foreign aid laughing stock among its G8 and G20 peers, the government, led by CIDA minister Bev Oda, is now hunting down any organization it doesn’t like, and is doing whatever it can to put them out of business. The latest victim is the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, the well-respected umbrella organization that represents the interests of hundreds of Canadian organizations delivering aid programs to poor countries. CCIC’s failing? It went to ...

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