McLeod Group Blog

Sunday, Bloody Sunday in the Philippines

Sunday, Bloody Sunday in the Philippines

McLeod Group blog by Em Mijares and Kirsten Van Houten, March 29, 2021

On March 7, 2021, police and military in the Philippines killed nine human rights defenders and arrested six more in what human rights groups have dubbed “Bloody Sunday”. Community organizers Melvin Dasigao, Mark Lee Coros Bacasno, farmers Abner Damas Esto, Edward Damas Esto from Rodriguez, Rizal; Dumagat community leaders Puroy Berhemedo dela Cruz and Randy Berhemedo dela Cruz from Tanay, Rizal; activist couple Ariel Evangelista and Chai Lemita-Evangelista ...

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Interview with Ketty Nivyabandi, Part 2

Interview with Ketty Nivyabandi, Part 2

McLeod Group blog, March 11, 2021

This is the second half of an interview with Ketty Nivyabandi, Amnesty International Canada’s new Secretary General. The first half is available here.

The McLeod Group: Have you collaborated with Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise? Do you believe it is an effective instrument to make Canadian companies responsible?

Ketty Nivyabandi: It is not an effective instrument yet. We are really disappointed so far. When it was announced – and Amnesty played a big ...

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Interview with Ketty Nivyabandi, Amnesty International Canada’s new Secretary General: Part 1

Interview with Ketty Nivyabandi, Amnesty International Canada’s new Secretary General: Part 1

McLeod Group blog, March 10, 2021

Ketty Nivyabandi was appointed Amnesty International Canada’s new Secretary General in September 2020. She agreed to share with the McLeod Group a few thoughts on her new role and her vision of Canada’s foreign policy.

The McLeod Group: Could you please introduce yourself?

Ketty Nivyabandi: I am from Burundi, in Central Eastern Africa. I was living there until 2015 when I came to Canada. I studied international relations and also minored in journalism and started working in ...

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Falling off the Map: Whither Cooperation Canada’s Regional Working Groups?

Falling off the Map: Whither Cooperation Canada’s Regional Working Groups?

McLeod Group blog by Kirsten Van Houten and Laura Macdonald, March 4, 2021

The Canadian Council for International Co-operation, Canada’s national association of international development and humanitarian organizations, recently rebranded itself as Cooperation Canada (CC), with a new “logo, look and feel” as part in its evolution toward building “a better, fairer, and more sustainable world”. But what else has changed at CC and is it for the better?

Previously hosted by CC, Regional Working Groups ...

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Mainstreaming Gender and Trade into Canada’s “Feminist Foreign Policy”

Mainstreaming Gender and Trade into Canada’s “Feminist Foreign Policy”

McLeod Group blog by Laura Macdonald, February 11, 2021

This is the last of three blogs that the McLeod Group is publishing this week on the topic of the Canadian government’s Feminist Foreign Policy, which is currently being drafted.

In recent years, governments around the world have begun to recognize that the impacts of international trade relations are gendered. Over 120 countries have signed the World Trade Organization’s Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment, which was launched ...

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Considering “Care” in Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy

Considering “Care” in Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy

McLeod Group guest blog by Fiona Robinson, February 10, 2021

This is the second of three blogs that the McLeod Group is publishing this week on the topic of the Canadian government’s Feminist Foreign Policy, which is currently being drafted.

“Care” is the new buzzword. As someone who has been studying the ethics and politics of care for over two decades, I find this remarkable. Care has always been decidedly unsexy, especially in its transnational contexts. For mainstream scholars of international relations, ...

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Gender equality, LGBTQ2I people and feminist foreign policy

Gender equality, LGBTQ2I people and feminist foreign policy

McLeod Group blog by Stephen Brown, February 9, 2021

This is the first of three blogs that the McLeod Group is publishing this week on the topic of the Canadian government’s Feminist Foreign Policy, which is currently being drafted.

The Canadian government is currently preparing a Feminist Foreign Policy that seeks to better coordinate its disparate efforts to promote gender equality abroad. This process constitutes a valuable opportunity to defend the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit and intersex (LGBTQ2I) ...

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In this Together: A Case for Canada’s Global Engagement

In this Together: A Case for Canada’s Global Engagement

McLeod Group guest blog by Nicolas Moyer, December 17, 2020

In a national poll commissioned by Cooperation Canada and completed on December 2, Abacus Data found that, by a 2-to-1 margin, Canadians agree that Canada needs to help poorer countries in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Canadians are split on whether Canada should spend more to help those countries – 36% agree, while 34% disagree. How should organizations working in international cooperation come to grips with such wobbly support?

As ...

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RBM 2.0? GAC’s New Reporting Guide for Partners

RBM 2.0? GAC’s New Reporting Guide for Partners

McLeod Group blog by Lauchlan T. Munro, December 2, 2020

Results-based management is alive and well at Global Affairs Canada, but with a twist. Canada’s principal dispenser of official development assistance (a.k.a. “foreign aid”) has updated its International Assistance Results Reporting Guide for Partners in a way that incorporates changes to results-based management (RBM) that Nordic donors pioneered 15 years ago. Since Global Affairs Canada (GAC) has asked for ...

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Canada and the AIIB: Why Leaving Would Be Foolish

Canada and the AIIB: Why Leaving Would Be Foolish

McLeod Group guest blog by Gregory T. Chin, November 30, 2020

As Canada’s relations with China have sunk to a low point, some Canadian politicians are calling on Ottawa to “stand up” to China by pulling our $256 million (US$189 million) investment from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). They charge that AIIB is an “institution that is clearly being used by the government of China to expand its foreign influence in the region”, a “Continue Reading →

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